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ReviewContribution allows moderators or the owner to modify and correct the contribution while in the PENDING or DRAFT state

Path Parameters
  • user string required

    The user id.

  • contribution string required

    The contribution id.

Request Body required
  • name string

    Name of the contribution

  • comment string

    Optional comment on the review

  • changes object

    ContributionChanges decribes all the operations the contribution performs on an arbitrary number of entities

    • additions object[]

      List of additions of the contribution

      • anime object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the animeValid anime types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNTv seriesTVMovieMOVIEOriginal video animationOVAOriginal Net AnimeONASpecialSPECIALWeb animeWEBMusic videoMUSIC_VIDEOOtherOTHER

        • episodes object[]

          List of episode part of the anime

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • episodeCount int32

          Number of scheduled episodes This field is useful for season anime which already announced how many episodes will be aired

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • canonical object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • contents object[]

          List of contents part of the canonical Canonicals can include Anime, GraphicNovels, LightNovels and VisualNovels

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

      • chapter object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the chapterValid Chapter typesUnknown typeUNKNOWNRegular chapterREGULARExtra chapterEXTRA

        • index int32

          Incremental index of the chapter. Describes the release order

        • pageCount int32

          Number of page of the chapter without extra pages

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

      • character object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • birthday date

          The birthday of the character

        • gender string

          Gender Valid Gender values:Unknown genderUNKNOWNMaleMALEFemaleFEMALEMale which seems a femaleMALE_TRAPFemale which seems a maleFEMALE_TRAPBoth male and femaleHERMAPHRODITICNone of the default gender appliesOTHERThe gender is undefinedUNDEFINEDThe gender something between male and femaleINTERSEXUAL

        • bloodType string

          Blod TypeValid blood types:Unknown blood typeUNKNOWNA (no Rh info)AB (no Rh info)BAB (no Rh info)ABO (no Rh info)OA+A_PLUSB+B_PLUSAB+AB_PLUSO+O_PLUSA-A_MINUSB-B_MINUSAB-AB_MINUSO-O_MINUS

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

      • episode object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the episodeValid Episode types:Unknown episode typeUNKNOWNRegular episodeREGULARRecapitolation episodeRECAPParody Fan madePARODYPromo episodePROMOSpecial episodeSPECIALOpening / ending episodeOPENING_ENDINGOtherOTHER

        • index int32

          Incremental index of the episode. Describes the release order

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • lengthSeconds int32

          Length of the episode in seconds.

      • gameRelease object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • languages string[]

          List of languages the release is localized in

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • censorship string

          Valid CensorshipsUnknown censorshipUNKNOWNNo censorshipNONECensorship appliedCENSORED

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • asin string

          Amazon identifier of the good

        • gtin string

          Global Trade identifier of the good

        • type string

          valid game release types:Unknown game release typeUNKNOWNThe release is completeCOMPLETEThe release is only a part of the contentPARTIALThe release is just trialTRIALThe release is a dlcDLC

        • IsPatch string

          If patch the release is not sold alone and it's ment to be applied to an existing gameValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • dubDegree string

          dub_degree describes how much of the game is dubbedValid game dub degreeUnknown DUB degreeUNKNOWNNot dubbedNONEOnly erotic scenes are dubbedERO_ONLYPartially dubbedPARTIALFull dubbedFULL

        • storyAnimationDegree string

          story_animation_degree specifies how well the story scenes are animatedValid game animation degrees:Unknown animation degreeUNKNOWNNo animationNONESimple animationsSIMPLEPartial animation - Some fully animated scenesPARTIALFully animatedFULL

        • eroAnimationDegree string

          ero_animation_degree specifies how well the erotic scenes are animatedValid game animation degrees:Unknown animation degreeUNKNOWNNo animationNONESimple animationsSIMPLEPartial animation - Some fully animated scenesPARTIALFully animatedFULL

        • engine string
        • platforms string[]

          Valid Platforms:Unknown platformUNKNOWN WindowsWINDOWS DOSDOS LINUXLINUX MacMAC IOs devicesIOS AndroidANDROID DVD playerDVD_PLAYER Blu-ray PlayerBLU_RAY_PLAYER FM Towns FM-7 Towns FM-8 Towns Gameboy advanceGAMEBOY_ADVANCE Gameboy colorGAMEBOY_COLOR MSX Computer Nintendo DSNINTENDO_DS NES platformNES C88 PC98 PC EnginePC_ENGINE Pc-FX Playstation portablePSP Playstation 1PS1 Playstation 2PS2 Playstation 3PS3 Playstation 4PS4 Playstation 5PS5 Playstation vitaPS_VITA Dgramcast Sega StaurnSEGA_SATURN Sega Mega-CDSEGA_MEGACD Super NintendoSUPER_NINTENDO Nintendo SwitchNINTENDO_SWITCH Ninentdo WIININTENDO_WII Nintendo WININTENDO_WII_U Nintendo 3DsNINTENDO_3DS X68000 Xbox OneXBOX_ONE Xbox 360XBOX_360 XboxXBOX Xbox Series XXBOX_X WebsiteWEBSITE Visual Novel DS Sharp X1 3DO Interactive MultiplayerINTERACTIVE_3DO OtherOTHER Mobile OtherMOBILE_OTHER

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

      • graphicNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the graphic novelValid Graphic Novel types:Unknown graphic novel typeUNKNOWNJapanese GraphicNovelMANGAOne shot (only one volume)ONE_SHOTCinese GraphicNovelMANHUAKorean GraphicNovelMANHWAOriginal English LanguageOELWeb native comic (webtoon)WEB_COMICGraphicNovel consisting of 4 pannelsYON_KOMAOtherOTHER

        • chapters object[]

          List of chaters part of the graphic novel

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • chapterCount int32

          Number of scheduled chapters This field is useful for graphic novels which already announced how many chapter will be published

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • lightNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • chapters object[]

          List of chaters part of the light novel

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • chapterCount int32

          Number of scheduled chapters This field is useful for light novels which already announced how many chapter will be published

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • organization object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the organizationValid Organization types:Uunknown organization typeUNKNOWNCoorporation / companyCORPORATECircle of peopleCIRCLE

        • foundationDate date

          Foundation date of the organization

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

      • person object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • birthday date

          Birthday of the person

        • gender string

          Gender Valid Gender values:Unknown genderUNKNOWN MaleMALE FemaleFEMALE

        • bloodType string

          Blod TypeValid blood types:Unknown blood typeUNKNOWNA (no Rh info)AB (no Rh info)BAB (no Rh info)ABO (no Rh info)OA+A_PLUSB+B_PLUSAB+AB_PLUSO+O_PLUSA-A_MINUSB-B_MINUSAB-AB_MINUSO-O_MINUS

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

      • track object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

      • universe object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • contents object[]

          List of contents part of the universe Universes can include Anime, GraphicNovels, LightNovels and VisualNovels

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • canonicals object[]

          List of canonicals part of the universe

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

      • visualNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • length string

          Valid Visual Novel lengths:Unknown lengthUNKNOWN< 2 hoursVERY_SHORT20 - 10 hoursSHORT10 - 30 hoursMEDIUM30 - 50 hoursLONG> 50 hoursVERY_LONG

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

        • releases object[]

          Releases are all those entities which practically make the content consumable Some examples are: Volumes for GraphicNovels/LightNovels/Chapters, BlueRays for Anime, Collector Editions...

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

    • deletions object[]

      List of deletions of the cotributions Deleletion on primary entities (Anime/GraphicNovel/...) replace the old values while deletion on relations preserve the relation itself but mark it as deleted

      • anime object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the animeValid anime types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNTv seriesTVMovieMOVIEOriginal video animationOVAOriginal Net AnimeONASpecialSPECIALWeb animeWEBMusic videoMUSIC_VIDEOOtherOTHER

        • episodes object[]

          List of episode part of the anime

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • episodeCount int32

          Number of scheduled episodes This field is useful for season anime which already announced how many episodes will be aired

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • canonical object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • contents object[]

          List of contents part of the canonical Canonicals can include Anime, GraphicNovels, LightNovels and VisualNovels

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

      • chapter object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the chapterValid Chapter typesUnknown typeUNKNOWNRegular chapterREGULARExtra chapterEXTRA

        • index int32

          Incremental index of the chapter. Describes the release order

        • pageCount int32

          Number of page of the chapter without extra pages

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

      • character object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • birthday date

          The birthday of the character

        • gender string

          Gender Valid Gender values:Unknown genderUNKNOWNMaleMALEFemaleFEMALEMale which seems a femaleMALE_TRAPFemale which seems a maleFEMALE_TRAPBoth male and femaleHERMAPHRODITICNone of the default gender appliesOTHERThe gender is undefinedUNDEFINEDThe gender something between male and femaleINTERSEXUAL

        • bloodType string

          Blod TypeValid blood types:Unknown blood typeUNKNOWNA (no Rh info)AB (no Rh info)BAB (no Rh info)ABO (no Rh info)OA+A_PLUSB+B_PLUSAB+AB_PLUSO+O_PLUSA-A_MINUSB-B_MINUSAB-AB_MINUSO-O_MINUS

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

      • episode object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the episodeValid Episode types:Unknown episode typeUNKNOWNRegular episodeREGULARRecapitolation episodeRECAPParody Fan madePARODYPromo episodePROMOSpecial episodeSPECIALOpening / ending episodeOPENING_ENDINGOtherOTHER

        • index int32

          Incremental index of the episode. Describes the release order

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • lengthSeconds int32

          Length of the episode in seconds.

      • gameRelease object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • languages string[]

          List of languages the release is localized in

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • censorship string

          Valid CensorshipsUnknown censorshipUNKNOWNNo censorshipNONECensorship appliedCENSORED

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • asin string

          Amazon identifier of the good

        • gtin string

          Global Trade identifier of the good

        • type string

          valid game release types:Unknown game release typeUNKNOWNThe release is completeCOMPLETEThe release is only a part of the contentPARTIALThe release is just trialTRIALThe release is a dlcDLC

        • IsPatch string

          If patch the release is not sold alone and it's ment to be applied to an existing gameValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • dubDegree string

          dub_degree describes how much of the game is dubbedValid game dub degreeUnknown DUB degreeUNKNOWNNot dubbedNONEOnly erotic scenes are dubbedERO_ONLYPartially dubbedPARTIALFull dubbedFULL

        • storyAnimationDegree string

          story_animation_degree specifies how well the story scenes are animatedValid game animation degrees:Unknown animation degreeUNKNOWNNo animationNONESimple animationsSIMPLEPartial animation - Some fully animated scenesPARTIALFully animatedFULL

        • eroAnimationDegree string

          ero_animation_degree specifies how well the erotic scenes are animatedValid game animation degrees:Unknown animation degreeUNKNOWNNo animationNONESimple animationsSIMPLEPartial animation - Some fully animated scenesPARTIALFully animatedFULL

        • engine string
        • platforms string[]

          Valid Platforms:Unknown platformUNKNOWN WindowsWINDOWS DOSDOS LINUXLINUX MacMAC IOs devicesIOS AndroidANDROID DVD playerDVD_PLAYER Blu-ray PlayerBLU_RAY_PLAYER FM Towns FM-7 Towns FM-8 Towns Gameboy advanceGAMEBOY_ADVANCE Gameboy colorGAMEBOY_COLOR MSX Computer Nintendo DSNINTENDO_DS NES platformNES C88 PC98 PC EnginePC_ENGINE Pc-FX Playstation portablePSP Playstation 1PS1 Playstation 2PS2 Playstation 3PS3 Playstation 4PS4 Playstation 5PS5 Playstation vitaPS_VITA Dgramcast Sega StaurnSEGA_SATURN Sega Mega-CDSEGA_MEGACD Super NintendoSUPER_NINTENDO Nintendo SwitchNINTENDO_SWITCH Ninentdo WIININTENDO_WII Nintendo WININTENDO_WII_U Nintendo 3DsNINTENDO_3DS X68000 Xbox OneXBOX_ONE Xbox 360XBOX_360 XboxXBOX Xbox Series XXBOX_X WebsiteWEBSITE Visual Novel DS Sharp X1 3DO Interactive MultiplayerINTERACTIVE_3DO OtherOTHER Mobile OtherMOBILE_OTHER

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

      • graphicNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the graphic novelValid Graphic Novel types:Unknown graphic novel typeUNKNOWNJapanese GraphicNovelMANGAOne shot (only one volume)ONE_SHOTCinese GraphicNovelMANHUAKorean GraphicNovelMANHWAOriginal English LanguageOELWeb native comic (webtoon)WEB_COMICGraphicNovel consisting of 4 pannelsYON_KOMAOtherOTHER

        • chapters object[]

          List of chaters part of the graphic novel

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • chapterCount int32

          Number of scheduled chapters This field is useful for graphic novels which already announced how many chapter will be published

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • lightNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • chapters object[]

          List of chaters part of the light novel

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • chapterCount int32

          Number of scheduled chapters This field is useful for light novels which already announced how many chapter will be published

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • organization object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the organizationValid Organization types:Uunknown organization typeUNKNOWNCoorporation / companyCORPORATECircle of peopleCIRCLE

        • foundationDate date

          Foundation date of the organization

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

      • person object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • birthday date

          Birthday of the person

        • gender string

          Gender Valid Gender values:Unknown genderUNKNOWN MaleMALE FemaleFEMALE

        • bloodType string

          Blod TypeValid blood types:Unknown blood typeUNKNOWNA (no Rh info)AB (no Rh info)BAB (no Rh info)ABO (no Rh info)OA+A_PLUSB+B_PLUSAB+AB_PLUSO+O_PLUSA-A_MINUSB-B_MINUSAB-AB_MINUSO-O_MINUS

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

      • track object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

      • universe object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • contents object[]

          List of contents part of the universe Universes can include Anime, GraphicNovels, LightNovels and VisualNovels

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • canonicals object[]

          List of canonicals part of the universe

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

      • visualNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • length string

          Valid Visual Novel lengths:Unknown lengthUNKNOWN< 2 hoursVERY_SHORT20 - 10 hoursSHORT10 - 30 hoursMEDIUM30 - 50 hoursLONG> 50 hoursVERY_LONG

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

        • releases object[]

          Releases are all those entities which practically make the content consumable Some examples are: Volumes for GraphicNovels/LightNovels/Chapters, BlueRays for Anime, Collector Editions...

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

  • discards object

    ContributionChanges decribes all the operations the contribution performs on an arbitrary number of entities

    • additions object[]

      List of additions of the contribution

      • anime object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the animeValid anime types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNTv seriesTVMovieMOVIEOriginal video animationOVAOriginal Net AnimeONASpecialSPECIALWeb animeWEBMusic videoMUSIC_VIDEOOtherOTHER

        • episodes object[]

          List of episode part of the anime

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • episodeCount int32

          Number of scheduled episodes This field is useful for season anime which already announced how many episodes will be aired

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • canonical object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • contents object[]

          List of contents part of the canonical Canonicals can include Anime, GraphicNovels, LightNovels and VisualNovels

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

      • chapter object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the chapterValid Chapter typesUnknown typeUNKNOWNRegular chapterREGULARExtra chapterEXTRA

        • index int32

          Incremental index of the chapter. Describes the release order

        • pageCount int32

          Number of page of the chapter without extra pages

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

      • character object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • birthday date

          The birthday of the character

        • gender string

          Gender Valid Gender values:Unknown genderUNKNOWNMaleMALEFemaleFEMALEMale which seems a femaleMALE_TRAPFemale which seems a maleFEMALE_TRAPBoth male and femaleHERMAPHRODITICNone of the default gender appliesOTHERThe gender is undefinedUNDEFINEDThe gender something between male and femaleINTERSEXUAL

        • bloodType string

          Blod TypeValid blood types:Unknown blood typeUNKNOWNA (no Rh info)AB (no Rh info)BAB (no Rh info)ABO (no Rh info)OA+A_PLUSB+B_PLUSAB+AB_PLUSO+O_PLUSA-A_MINUSB-B_MINUSAB-AB_MINUSO-O_MINUS

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

      • episode object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the episodeValid Episode types:Unknown episode typeUNKNOWNRegular episodeREGULARRecapitolation episodeRECAPParody Fan madePARODYPromo episodePROMOSpecial episodeSPECIALOpening / ending episodeOPENING_ENDINGOtherOTHER

        • index int32

          Incremental index of the episode. Describes the release order

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • lengthSeconds int32

          Length of the episode in seconds.

      • gameRelease object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • languages string[]

          List of languages the release is localized in

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • censorship string

          Valid CensorshipsUnknown censorshipUNKNOWNNo censorshipNONECensorship appliedCENSORED

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • asin string

          Amazon identifier of the good

        • gtin string

          Global Trade identifier of the good

        • type string

          valid game release types:Unknown game release typeUNKNOWNThe release is completeCOMPLETEThe release is only a part of the contentPARTIALThe release is just trialTRIALThe release is a dlcDLC

        • IsPatch string

          If patch the release is not sold alone and it's ment to be applied to an existing gameValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • dubDegree string

          dub_degree describes how much of the game is dubbedValid game dub degreeUnknown DUB degreeUNKNOWNNot dubbedNONEOnly erotic scenes are dubbedERO_ONLYPartially dubbedPARTIALFull dubbedFULL

        • storyAnimationDegree string

          story_animation_degree specifies how well the story scenes are animatedValid game animation degrees:Unknown animation degreeUNKNOWNNo animationNONESimple animationsSIMPLEPartial animation - Some fully animated scenesPARTIALFully animatedFULL

        • eroAnimationDegree string

          ero_animation_degree specifies how well the erotic scenes are animatedValid game animation degrees:Unknown animation degreeUNKNOWNNo animationNONESimple animationsSIMPLEPartial animation - Some fully animated scenesPARTIALFully animatedFULL

        • engine string
        • platforms string[]

          Valid Platforms:Unknown platformUNKNOWN WindowsWINDOWS DOSDOS LINUXLINUX MacMAC IOs devicesIOS AndroidANDROID DVD playerDVD_PLAYER Blu-ray PlayerBLU_RAY_PLAYER FM Towns FM-7 Towns FM-8 Towns Gameboy advanceGAMEBOY_ADVANCE Gameboy colorGAMEBOY_COLOR MSX Computer Nintendo DSNINTENDO_DS NES platformNES C88 PC98 PC EnginePC_ENGINE Pc-FX Playstation portablePSP Playstation 1PS1 Playstation 2PS2 Playstation 3PS3 Playstation 4PS4 Playstation 5PS5 Playstation vitaPS_VITA Dgramcast Sega StaurnSEGA_SATURN Sega Mega-CDSEGA_MEGACD Super NintendoSUPER_NINTENDO Nintendo SwitchNINTENDO_SWITCH Ninentdo WIININTENDO_WII Nintendo WININTENDO_WII_U Nintendo 3DsNINTENDO_3DS X68000 Xbox OneXBOX_ONE Xbox 360XBOX_360 XboxXBOX Xbox Series XXBOX_X WebsiteWEBSITE Visual Novel DS Sharp X1 3DO Interactive MultiplayerINTERACTIVE_3DO OtherOTHER Mobile OtherMOBILE_OTHER

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

      • graphicNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the graphic novelValid Graphic Novel types:Unknown graphic novel typeUNKNOWNJapanese GraphicNovelMANGAOne shot (only one volume)ONE_SHOTCinese GraphicNovelMANHUAKorean GraphicNovelMANHWAOriginal English LanguageOELWeb native comic (webtoon)WEB_COMICGraphicNovel consisting of 4 pannelsYON_KOMAOtherOTHER

        • chapters object[]

          List of chaters part of the graphic novel

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • chapterCount int32

          Number of scheduled chapters This field is useful for graphic novels which already announced how many chapter will be published

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • lightNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • chapters object[]

          List of chaters part of the light novel

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • chapterCount int32

          Number of scheduled chapters This field is useful for light novels which already announced how many chapter will be published

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • organization object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the organizationValid Organization types:Uunknown organization typeUNKNOWNCoorporation / companyCORPORATECircle of peopleCIRCLE

        • foundationDate date

          Foundation date of the organization

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

      • person object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • birthday date

          Birthday of the person

        • gender string

          Gender Valid Gender values:Unknown genderUNKNOWN MaleMALE FemaleFEMALE

        • bloodType string

          Blod TypeValid blood types:Unknown blood typeUNKNOWNA (no Rh info)AB (no Rh info)BAB (no Rh info)ABO (no Rh info)OA+A_PLUSB+B_PLUSAB+AB_PLUSO+O_PLUSA-A_MINUSB-B_MINUSAB-AB_MINUSO-O_MINUS

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

      • track object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

      • universe object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • contents object[]

          List of contents part of the universe Universes can include Anime, GraphicNovels, LightNovels and VisualNovels

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • canonicals object[]

          List of canonicals part of the universe

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

      • visualNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • length string

          Valid Visual Novel lengths:Unknown lengthUNKNOWN< 2 hoursVERY_SHORT20 - 10 hoursSHORT10 - 30 hoursMEDIUM30 - 50 hoursLONG> 50 hoursVERY_LONG

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

        • releases object[]

          Releases are all those entities which practically make the content consumable Some examples are: Volumes for GraphicNovels/LightNovels/Chapters, BlueRays for Anime, Collector Editions...

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

    • deletions object[]

      List of deletions of the cotributions Deleletion on primary entities (Anime/GraphicNovel/...) replace the old values while deletion on relations preserve the relation itself but mark it as deleted

      • anime object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the animeValid anime types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNTv seriesTVMovieMOVIEOriginal video animationOVAOriginal Net AnimeONASpecialSPECIALWeb animeWEBMusic videoMUSIC_VIDEOOtherOTHER

        • episodes object[]

          List of episode part of the anime

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • episodeCount int32

          Number of scheduled episodes This field is useful for season anime which already announced how many episodes will be aired

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • canonical object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • contents object[]

          List of contents part of the canonical Canonicals can include Anime, GraphicNovels, LightNovels and VisualNovels

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

      • chapter object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the chapterValid Chapter typesUnknown typeUNKNOWNRegular chapterREGULARExtra chapterEXTRA

        • index int32

          Incremental index of the chapter. Describes the release order

        • pageCount int32

          Number of page of the chapter without extra pages

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

      • character object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • birthday date

          The birthday of the character

        • gender string

          Gender Valid Gender values:Unknown genderUNKNOWNMaleMALEFemaleFEMALEMale which seems a femaleMALE_TRAPFemale which seems a maleFEMALE_TRAPBoth male and femaleHERMAPHRODITICNone of the default gender appliesOTHERThe gender is undefinedUNDEFINEDThe gender something between male and femaleINTERSEXUAL

        • bloodType string

          Blod TypeValid blood types:Unknown blood typeUNKNOWNA (no Rh info)AB (no Rh info)BAB (no Rh info)ABO (no Rh info)OA+A_PLUSB+B_PLUSAB+AB_PLUSO+O_PLUSA-A_MINUSB-B_MINUSAB-AB_MINUSO-O_MINUS

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

      • episode object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the episodeValid Episode types:Unknown episode typeUNKNOWNRegular episodeREGULARRecapitolation episodeRECAPParody Fan madePARODYPromo episodePROMOSpecial episodeSPECIALOpening / ending episodeOPENING_ENDINGOtherOTHER

        • index int32

          Incremental index of the episode. Describes the release order

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • lengthSeconds int32

          Length of the episode in seconds.

      • gameRelease object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • languages string[]

          List of languages the release is localized in

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • censorship string

          Valid CensorshipsUnknown censorshipUNKNOWNNo censorshipNONECensorship appliedCENSORED

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • asin string

          Amazon identifier of the good

        • gtin string

          Global Trade identifier of the good

        • type string

          valid game release types:Unknown game release typeUNKNOWNThe release is completeCOMPLETEThe release is only a part of the contentPARTIALThe release is just trialTRIALThe release is a dlcDLC

        • IsPatch string

          If patch the release is not sold alone and it's ment to be applied to an existing gameValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • dubDegree string

          dub_degree describes how much of the game is dubbedValid game dub degreeUnknown DUB degreeUNKNOWNNot dubbedNONEOnly erotic scenes are dubbedERO_ONLYPartially dubbedPARTIALFull dubbedFULL

        • storyAnimationDegree string

          story_animation_degree specifies how well the story scenes are animatedValid game animation degrees:Unknown animation degreeUNKNOWNNo animationNONESimple animationsSIMPLEPartial animation - Some fully animated scenesPARTIALFully animatedFULL

        • eroAnimationDegree string

          ero_animation_degree specifies how well the erotic scenes are animatedValid game animation degrees:Unknown animation degreeUNKNOWNNo animationNONESimple animationsSIMPLEPartial animation - Some fully animated scenesPARTIALFully animatedFULL

        • engine string
        • platforms string[]

          Valid Platforms:Unknown platformUNKNOWN WindowsWINDOWS DOSDOS LINUXLINUX MacMAC IOs devicesIOS AndroidANDROID DVD playerDVD_PLAYER Blu-ray PlayerBLU_RAY_PLAYER FM Towns FM-7 Towns FM-8 Towns Gameboy advanceGAMEBOY_ADVANCE Gameboy colorGAMEBOY_COLOR MSX Computer Nintendo DSNINTENDO_DS NES platformNES C88 PC98 PC EnginePC_ENGINE Pc-FX Playstation portablePSP Playstation 1PS1 Playstation 2PS2 Playstation 3PS3 Playstation 4PS4 Playstation 5PS5 Playstation vitaPS_VITA Dgramcast Sega StaurnSEGA_SATURN Sega Mega-CDSEGA_MEGACD Super NintendoSUPER_NINTENDO Nintendo SwitchNINTENDO_SWITCH Ninentdo WIININTENDO_WII Nintendo WININTENDO_WII_U Nintendo 3DsNINTENDO_3DS X68000 Xbox OneXBOX_ONE Xbox 360XBOX_360 XboxXBOX Xbox Series XXBOX_X WebsiteWEBSITE Visual Novel DS Sharp X1 3DO Interactive MultiplayerINTERACTIVE_3DO OtherOTHER Mobile OtherMOBILE_OTHER

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

      • graphicNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the graphic novelValid Graphic Novel types:Unknown graphic novel typeUNKNOWNJapanese GraphicNovelMANGAOne shot (only one volume)ONE_SHOTCinese GraphicNovelMANHUAKorean GraphicNovelMANHWAOriginal English LanguageOELWeb native comic (webtoon)WEB_COMICGraphicNovel consisting of 4 pannelsYON_KOMAOtherOTHER

        • chapters object[]

          List of chaters part of the graphic novel

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • chapterCount int32

          Number of scheduled chapters This field is useful for graphic novels which already announced how many chapter will be published

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • lightNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • chapters object[]

          List of chaters part of the light novel

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • chapterCount int32

          Number of scheduled chapters This field is useful for light novels which already announced how many chapter will be published

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

      • organization object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • type string

          Type of the organizationValid Organization types:Uunknown organization typeUNKNOWNCoorporation / companyCORPORATECircle of peopleCIRCLE

        • foundationDate date

          Foundation date of the organization

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

      • person object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • birthday date

          Birthday of the person

        • gender string

          Gender Valid Gender values:Unknown genderUNKNOWN MaleMALE FemaleFEMALE

        • bloodType string

          Blod TypeValid blood types:Unknown blood typeUNKNOWNA (no Rh info)AB (no Rh info)BAB (no Rh info)ABO (no Rh info)OA+A_PLUSB+B_PLUSAB+AB_PLUSO+O_PLUSA-A_MINUSB-B_MINUSAB-AB_MINUSO-O_MINUS

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

      • track object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

      • universe object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • contents object[]

          List of contents part of the universe Universes can include Anime, GraphicNovels, LightNovels and VisualNovels

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

        • canonicals object[]

          List of canonicals part of the universe

          • name string required

            Entity resource name

      • visualNovel object
        • name string required

          Required resource name

        • length string

          Valid Visual Novel lengths:Unknown lengthUNKNOWN< 2 hoursVERY_SHORT20 - 10 hoursSHORT10 - 30 hoursMEDIUM30 - 50 hoursLONG> 50 hoursVERY_LONG

        • names object[]

          List of localized names of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • aliases object[]

          List of localized aliases of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • descriptions object[]

          List of localized descriptions of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • synopsys object[]

          List of localized synopsys of the entity

          • text string

            Localized string in the language corresponding to `language_code' below.

          • languageCode string

            The text's BCP-47 language code, such as "en-US" or "sr-Latn". For more information, see

        • coverImageId string

          Cover Image id of the entity

        • bannerImageId string

          Banner Image id of the entity

        • websites object[]

          List of websiste related to the entity. Websites might be official websites, Social, Wiki Entries

          • url string required

            Website url

        • marketplaces object[]

          List of marketplaces related to the entry. Maketplaces tells where to buy / consume / read the entity

          • name string required

            Required resource name

          • url string required

            Marketplace url

          • region string

            region in which the marketplace distributes

        • status string

          Status of the contentValid content statuses:Unknown statusUNKNOWNPublishing or airing is still ongoing.ONGOINGPublishing or airing has been completed.COMPLETEDPublishing or airing has been scheduled.SCHEDULEDPublishing or airing started but never finished.INTERRUPTEDPublishing or airing was scheduled but later canceled.CANCELEDPublishing or airing has been suspended / has been put on hold.SUSPENDEDThe content is in work in progressWORK_IN_PROGRESS

        • contentRelations object[]

          List of relations with other content

          • related object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            RelationValid relations:ADAPTATION implies that the subject is the base from which the object has been adaptedADAPTATIONBASE AdaptationBASESAMESETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline with completely different characters.SAME_SETTINGALTSETTING Same universe/world/reality/timeline same characters with different universe/world/reality/timeline.ALTERNATIVE_SETTINGALTVERSION alternative version Same setting, same characters, story is told differently.ALTERNATIVE_VERSIONCHARACTER When characters appear in both series, but is not a spin-offCHARACTERFULLSTORY the object is full story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a summary of the objectFULL_STORYSUMMARY summarySUMMARYPARENTSTORY the object is the parent story of the subjectthis implies that the subject is a spin-off of the objectPARENT_STORYSpinOff spin offSPIN_OFFPREQUEL prequelPREQUELSEQUEL sequelSEQUELMAINSTORY the object is the main story from which the subject has been createdthis implies that the subject is a side story of the objectMAIN_STORYSIDESTORY side storySIDE_STORYORIGINAL the object is the original of the subjectthis implies that the subject is the parody or fan made objectORIGINALPARODY is parodyPARODY

        • publishingType string

          Publishin Type specifies wether the content has been produced by a self published creator or if it's backed by a corporationValid Publishing types:Unknown statusUNKNOWNSelf publishingSELFPublished by a corporationCORPORATE

        • original string

          Original specifies if the idea behind the content is original or if it's base on an existing opera.Parodies of other content are normally not original, because charactes/settings/storyline are not owned by the creator.Valid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • runnings object[]

          List of localized airing/publishing periods of the content

          • startTime date required

            Start of the publishing/airing/release

          • endTime date

            End of the publishing/airing/release Omitted if the content is still ONGOING

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization

        • releaseDate date

          The release date in homeland of the content

        • starring object[]

          List of characters starred in the content

          • character object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • relation string required

            Relation within the contentValid relations:MAINSUPPORTAPPEARS

        • staff object[]

          List of people/organizations which contributed to the production/distribution of the content

          • collaborator object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the collaborator took part in

          • role string required

            What role the collaborator had

        • soundtracks object[]

          List of soundtracks in the content

          • track object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • type string required

            Type describes for what purpose the track was usedValid Soundtrack types:Unknown typeUNKNOWNThe track is used as endingENDINGThe track is used as openingOPENINGThe track is used as insert songINSERTThe track is used as background songBACKGROUNDThe track is used as image songIMAGEThe track is used as theme songTHEME

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization in which the track was used

        • voiceactings object[]

          List of voice actors giving voice to the characters in the content

          • voiced object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • actor object required

            Relation with another entity

            • name string required

              Entity resource name

          • localization string required

            Valid ISO3 localization for which the voice was given

          • primary string required

            Voices can be primary or not.Primary voices are those lasting for the majority of the conteWhile Secondary voices are normally used in flashbacks or side eventsValid values:TRUEFALSEUNKNOWN

        • maturityRatings string[]

          Maturity ratings describes what it the minum age to legally consume a content Valid maturity Ratings:Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_NC17Over 18 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_ROver 13 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PG13Over 3 in USAMTR_RTN_USA_PGSafe in USAMTR_RTN_USA_G

        • regionRestrictions string[]

          Region restrictions mark the content as illegal in some region given the local regulationsValid Region Restrictions:No Region RestrictionNONEThe Entity is illegal following the U.N. guidelinesILLEGAL

        • releases object[]

          Releases are all those entities which practically make the content consumable Some examples are: Volumes for GraphicNovels/LightNovels/Chapters, BlueRays for Anime, Collector Editions...

          • name string required

            Entity resource name



  • name string required

    The resource name of the contribution. Required resource name

  • reviewer string

    Who reviewed (accepting or rejecting) the contribution. Null if the contribution is still in reviewing phase

  • state enum


    The state of the contribution

  • displayName string

    Arbitrary human readible contribution

  • generation int32

    Incremental value which specifies how many times the contribution has been reviewed.

  • createTime date-time

    When the album was created.

  • updateTime date-time

    When the album was updated.

  • reviewTime date-time

    When the album was reviewed.